In Loving Memory of the late Princess Diana
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the whole world is still so much in love with the late Princess Diana. I'm responding to the cover on the latest Time Magazine (August 27, 2007) issue by Catherine Mayer on "Why Diana Mattered". I agree with the writer when she quoted on the front page, "Why Diana Mattered; Ten years after her death, a look at how the princess transformed a nation". If I could add, the princess had not only transformed the British nation but had also transformed the whole world particularly in matters pertaining to children afflicted with AIDS, famine, poverty and endangerment. I may sound like a manic fan of Princess Di, and to tell you the truth, I am (note the present tense) one of her great admirer, even after 10 years since her tragic departure. My own country has many princesses and I know none of their names and I don’t really care because none of them can ever match to the greatness and of what charitable Princess Diana has committed during her course of life as the princess.
There will be a third inquiry over her death even after being told that her death was a mere tragic accident. However, many people out there, especially the Britons could not rest the fact that the accident was an espionage which was immaculately planned to oust the princess.
Why do we love her so much? Personally, I think she carried herself as what true princess should be. We grew up reading stories about princesses with unmatched beauty and angels at heart. And this was how Princess Diana cast herself to be. So what if she has had dark secrets, who doesn’t? But at least she changed a lot of things, and these include the culture of the boring British monarchy. Rather than giving out boring speeches and visiting old folks home, Diana went through bizarre length as to jump into the fields and to show her genuine concern over the so many predicaments and sufferings of the people all over the world. Remember her at Angola land mines? Remember her kissing an African child suffering from AIDS? This is the true princess that the world wants to see.
Last but not least, I truly love, love, love her style. Simple, classy, elegant and so Diana. She epitomized the true definition of elegance. And she's what the paparazzi are crazy about. No matter what she does or what pose she gave, it's a work of art. I guess even if she was caught picking her nose, it will be plastered on every front page and people will still gawk at her. Just like the way people gawk at Princess Grace of Monaco long time ago, except that Diana has more brains and brawn plus the unmatched beauty, which is pity though that her former husband, the Prince Charles was too blind (way too blind) to see. Speaking of the devil, the Prince's decision to divorce her had made Diana more popular and powerful. Every people still looked up to her even after the divorce and forever considered her as Princess of Hearts. On the contrary, Prince Charles has descended into more of a frog. As Princess Diana once quipped, "I kissed a prince, and he turned into a frog". How true is that...
Princess Diana Biography
Fast Facts
Fast Facts
Diana Frances Mountbatten-Windsor, nee Spencer was born on July 1, 1961. She died on August 31, 1997.
She is most often referred to as "Princess Diana", but in actuality this is not her correct title. Diana, Princess of Wales is her proper title.
She was married to HRH The Prince Charles, Prince of Wales for 15 years.
She was mother of the second and third in line to the British throne, HRH Prince William of Wales and HRH Prince Henry of Wales. William's nickname is "Wills" and Henry uses the name "Harry".
She became one of the world's most photographed and popular celebrities. The public enjoyed her fresh outlook and down-to-earth attitude which she stayed true to throughout her life.
Humphrey Bogart was her 7th cousin.
She was a descendant of King Charles 1 of England.
She was an accomplished pianist and a daring and bold bridge player