Ghostly encounters
Why is it that so many people are into ghost stories? It's one question I should be asking myself also. Me, my mom and my brothers and sisters are into ghost movies and our all-time favourite is the original The Exorcist. Not the prequel or the sequel. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who would put this movie top on their charts of scary movies. I can never watch this movie alone because it'll haunt me in my sleep. The make-up, the movie effects are bone chilling and the scene where she floated horizontally in mid-air and the head turning thing has become a trademark.
So, going back to the question of why we are so fascinated by ghost stories? I am of the opinion that anything that has no logical explanation intrigues our thoughts more than seeing things objectively and with perspective. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that ghosts ever existed. And there are no real equipments that can tap into the spiritual realm. And because of that we tend to provoke our minds to become more creative and extremely imaginative as to how a ghost would and should look like. Try asking 5 people and I guarantee that 3 would come up with their own personal experiences of ghostly encounters.
I for one have had the experience of ghost encounters. I remember at one time, I think it was 10 years ago that I was stunned by a ghostly hello. I was alone in a store room at my workplace and was searching for something and let me remind you again that I was the only breathing human being in that dingy room. As I was standing in front of the giant shelves scanning for the items, I felt a slight chill and a wispy sensation through my neck. I have spent a good ten minutes in the room and it was until then Istarted to feel scared. I tried keeping cool and continue to eye the shelves before I started to realise, at the corner of my eye, someone or something was standing beside me. I could swear to God that no one was there when I first entered the room. It was near enough that I can hear the faint “oi!” coming from the figure. I know I couldn't look towards he figure and I grew numb all over. All I did was to continue staring at the shelves and tried blinking my eyes, but the thing was still there. By then, I couldn't recall what I was searching for on the shelves and before I could clear my thoughts, it started humming. A very slow hum and then it started to give a small chuckle. I knew that if I stayed there any seconds longer, this thing will start shrieking and laughing and will do whatever in its spriritual power to make me wet my pants.
I tried to catch my breath and slowly turned my back against the figure and ran towards the door, still have enough courage to lock it behind me, and ran and ran to my work unit. I had spoken to no one about it except to the storekeeper which he later confirmed that the room is haunted. There was a CCTV camera installed in the store room and he said he’ll try to coax the security for the footage. A week later, the storekeeper called and told me that he saw the footage and confirmed that I was alone in the room and the only activity caught was me staring at the shelves and running towards the door. After hearing this, part of me was delighted because after all the numerous stories about ghost encounters, I finally had my fair share of paranormal encounters. But a large part of me was laden with curiosity. Who or what was this thing and where did it come from? Was it something that my mind had conjured it or was it a real ghost? Was it a loose spirit or more of a demonic being?
It’s one issue that we can’t exactly put a finger on to it. We hear plenty of stories and experiences by people who have had their paths crossed with the spiritual realm. Each story is unique and the truth of it is held solely by the teller. But that’s the best thing about ghosts isn’t it. Not knowing whether it is real in life as it is real in mind. Is it true that some people are able to communicate with the ghosts? These are some of the questions raised by a lot of people but I guess that by not given the answer is what kept the mystery alive. It is one thing in life (apart from the existence of aliens and Santa Claus) that has never fail to amuse our thoughts and I feel that it’s best that we keep the mystery alive. So keep the ghost stories rolling!
Why is it that so many people are into ghost stories? It's one question I should be asking myself also. Me, my mom and my brothers and sisters are into ghost movies and our all-time favourite is the original The Exorcist. Not the prequel or the sequel. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who would put this movie top on their charts of scary movies. I can never watch this movie alone because it'll haunt me in my sleep. The make-up, the movie effects are bone chilling and the scene where she floated horizontally in mid-air and the head turning thing has become a trademark.
So, going back to the question of why we are so fascinated by ghost stories? I am of the opinion that anything that has no logical explanation intrigues our thoughts more than seeing things objectively and with perspective. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that ghosts ever existed. And there are no real equipments that can tap into the spiritual realm. And because of that we tend to provoke our minds to become more creative and extremely imaginative as to how a ghost would and should look like. Try asking 5 people and I guarantee that 3 would come up with their own personal experiences of ghostly encounters.
I for one have had the experience of ghost encounters. I remember at one time, I think it was 10 years ago that I was stunned by a ghostly hello. I was alone in a store room at my workplace and was searching for something and let me remind you again that I was the only breathing human being in that dingy room. As I was standing in front of the giant shelves scanning for the items, I felt a slight chill and a wispy sensation through my neck. I have spent a good ten minutes in the room and it was until then Istarted to feel scared. I tried keeping cool and continue to eye the shelves before I started to realise, at the corner of my eye, someone or something was standing beside me. I could swear to God that no one was there when I first entered the room. It was near enough that I can hear the faint “oi!” coming from the figure. I know I couldn't look towards he figure and I grew numb all over. All I did was to continue staring at the shelves and tried blinking my eyes, but the thing was still there. By then, I couldn't recall what I was searching for on the shelves and before I could clear my thoughts, it started humming. A very slow hum and then it started to give a small chuckle. I knew that if I stayed there any seconds longer, this thing will start shrieking and laughing and will do whatever in its spriritual power to make me wet my pants.
I tried to catch my breath and slowly turned my back against the figure and ran towards the door, still have enough courage to lock it behind me, and ran and ran to my work unit. I had spoken to no one about it except to the storekeeper which he later confirmed that the room is haunted. There was a CCTV camera installed in the store room and he said he’ll try to coax the security for the footage. A week later, the storekeeper called and told me that he saw the footage and confirmed that I was alone in the room and the only activity caught was me staring at the shelves and running towards the door. After hearing this, part of me was delighted because after all the numerous stories about ghost encounters, I finally had my fair share of paranormal encounters. But a large part of me was laden with curiosity. Who or what was this thing and where did it come from? Was it something that my mind had conjured it or was it a real ghost? Was it a loose spirit or more of a demonic being?
It’s one issue that we can’t exactly put a finger on to it. We hear plenty of stories and experiences by people who have had their paths crossed with the spiritual realm. Each story is unique and the truth of it is held solely by the teller. But that’s the best thing about ghosts isn’t it. Not knowing whether it is real in life as it is real in mind. Is it true that some people are able to communicate with the ghosts? These are some of the questions raised by a lot of people but I guess that by not given the answer is what kept the mystery alive. It is one thing in life (apart from the existence of aliens and Santa Claus) that has never fail to amuse our thoughts and I feel that it’s best that we keep the mystery alive. So keep the ghost stories rolling!
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