I was gluing myself to the news this evening eagerly to learn of the PM, Datuk Seri Najib spilling out the new cabinet line-up.
There was much brouhaha about who's in and who's out in the line-up. Every one was talking about it and I was not exempted from giving my own guess of who would be chosen and who would be kicked out. I was told that even punters out there were busy making a beeline at their usual joints, betting on who would take the position of a second Finance Minister and what not. Go to any mamak stalls and you're bound to eavesdrop on few conversations regarding Najib's so-called major overhaul. Great anticipation but little or no information. It was, by far, Najib's deliberate intentions. He wanted it to be discreet until the April 9 when he will disclose the much awaited news.
So there I was, glued myself to Buletin Utama with high hopes that this new PM can really awe the people with his so-called 'fresh faces' line-ups.
But I was left disappointed.
Only God knows what he meant by 'fresh faces'. All I see was the same old faces holding different positions. Except for the consolidation of few ministries, the line-up failed to awe me. I was surprised that Khairy Jamaluddin did not get any ministerial post despite the fact that he was chosen as the Youth Chief. So what if he was allegedly involved in money politics. Give me one politician who is clean from money politics and I'll show you what a tight slap means. Khairy (or KJ as he is fondly known) may be a bit cocky but let's not deny that Umno needs young guns in their administration. I am no fan of KJ but we can't overlook his presence in this funny world they call politics. His only mistake was making a hard entrance which just doesn't seem to strike the right chord to some 'veterans', minus the fact that he is the former PM's son-in-law so people have this notion that he was there because he was a somebody. But Hishamuddin Tun Hussein was a somebody also but did it matter to anyone? Truthfully, I rather bet my dime on KJ to lead than Hishamuddin.
Anyhow... the cabinet line-up has been disclosed. KJ was sidelined. Even his deputy get to be a deputy minister. Even Mukhriz Mahathir gets a deputy minister's role despite the fact that he lost the Youth Chief seat to KJ. So it was a great surprise for me when KJ did not get any minister post at all. Either he's not qualified for it professionally or 'they' just hate him.
I guess we are still long way ahead towards the change that the government tirelessly shout about. To me, what change? Obama's change, yes. Our change? No. If change to them is recycling the same old faces albeit different ministerial post, then I think our government is retarding the nation's growth and should just stop yapping about change this and change that.
I reiterate... I am so bloody disappointed.
I was gluing myself to the news this evening eagerly to learn of the PM, Datuk Seri Najib spilling out the new cabinet line-up.
There was much brouhaha about who's in and who's out in the line-up. Every one was talking about it and I was not exempted from giving my own guess of who would be chosen and who would be kicked out. I was told that even punters out there were busy making a beeline at their usual joints, betting on who would take the position of a second Finance Minister and what not. Go to any mamak stalls and you're bound to eavesdrop on few conversations regarding Najib's so-called major overhaul. Great anticipation but little or no information. It was, by far, Najib's deliberate intentions. He wanted it to be discreet until the April 9 when he will disclose the much awaited news.
So there I was, glued myself to Buletin Utama with high hopes that this new PM can really awe the people with his so-called 'fresh faces' line-ups.
But I was left disappointed.
Only God knows what he meant by 'fresh faces'. All I see was the same old faces holding different positions. Except for the consolidation of few ministries, the line-up failed to awe me. I was surprised that Khairy Jamaluddin did not get any ministerial post despite the fact that he was chosen as the Youth Chief. So what if he was allegedly involved in money politics. Give me one politician who is clean from money politics and I'll show you what a tight slap means. Khairy (or KJ as he is fondly known) may be a bit cocky but let's not deny that Umno needs young guns in their administration. I am no fan of KJ but we can't overlook his presence in this funny world they call politics. His only mistake was making a hard entrance which just doesn't seem to strike the right chord to some 'veterans', minus the fact that he is the former PM's son-in-law so people have this notion that he was there because he was a somebody. But Hishamuddin Tun Hussein was a somebody also but did it matter to anyone? Truthfully, I rather bet my dime on KJ to lead than Hishamuddin.
Anyhow... the cabinet line-up has been disclosed. KJ was sidelined. Even his deputy get to be a deputy minister. Even Mukhriz Mahathir gets a deputy minister's role despite the fact that he lost the Youth Chief seat to KJ. So it was a great surprise for me when KJ did not get any minister post at all. Either he's not qualified for it professionally or 'they' just hate him.
I guess we are still long way ahead towards the change that the government tirelessly shout about. To me, what change? Obama's change, yes. Our change? No. If change to them is recycling the same old faces albeit different ministerial post, then I think our government is retarding the nation's growth and should just stop yapping about change this and change that.
I reiterate... I am so bloody disappointed.
he de$erved that. ca$hy ma$ter.
i read yr comment at Pak Kadir blog. Sounds like u ni mcm racist je..just like who u critic. Sory,just my opinian.
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