Go to hell!
Yes, that's what exactly I would say to those 50 Australian politicians who had sent a memorandum to our Malaysian embassy in Canberra telling us to drop the sodomy charge against PKR de-facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.
I don't get it. Why are they meddling in the justice and political issues of other countries? Malaysia is a Commonwealth country and last time I checked, so is Australia. So do they not understand the common law that we share saying that one do not have the lawful right to ask the other what and how it should be done unless we asked for their intervention? I don't remember we ever asked for their opinion. Maybe they're just acting benign and not afraid to reveal their utter foolishness.
Forgive me for I have no kind words for our fellow Commonwealth counterpart as far as this issue is concerned. To meddle in an ongoing court case, especially involving a high-profile politician, is totally unbecoming of them. The Australian politicians involved in sending out the protests should know better than to act foolishly to comment on issues that they are totally devoid of its details and full breadth of the said case. Even us Malaysians are still in the dark whether Anwar sodomised his personal assistant or not let alone telling the courts to completely drop the case. So what makes the Aussie politicians think that they know better?
How would they feel if our politicians started telling the Australian government what they should do about the countless attacks on Indians in Australia? Was it based on racism and if so, aren't the government doing anything to protect the safety and security of the minorities there? Or how about the hundreds of years of marginalisation of the Aboriginal community who have and will be sidelined by the so-called fair and justice government of Australia? Shall we send our protest also asking the Aussie authorities drop the case against few Malaysians who are undergoing trial or maybe release some from Aussie prisons?
My guess is that these Australian politicians has little else to do than desperately trying to throw their weight around across the region without realising that their nation is full of its own faults and flaws. We Malaysians may have our own grouses and reservations surrounding the sodomy case against Anwar Ibrahim but we prefer to let the courts do all the work, as it should be lest the Aussies forget, to prove the rights against the wrongs. And we would expect the Australian government to share the same sentiment and let our hard working laywers and judges do their job without the interference of bullies such as that of the 50 Australian politicians.
Could this be a case of a kettle calling the pot black or maybe just another case of nosy foreign politicians who have left their brains 'down under'? For me, it's both.
Thanx guys. Cuma melepaskan geram dgn jiran mat salleh kita nih. tak abih2 menyibuk.
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