What turns these sexual predators on?
I'm trying to find a logic here. How is it that a father can ever rape his own daughter? It seems that this sickening trend has been making waves and splashed all across the newspapers. Even after reading so many stories on them, I just still couldn't comprehend other than feeling utterly disgusted.
It was only recently that I read about a father who had sexually assaulted and raped his 16-year-old daughter since the girl was 12. The daughter would have suffered in silence if it wasn’t for her mother who had detected semen stains on the poor girl’s clothes and the confrontation with the daughter. The poor girl broke down and had to spill the truth to her mom even telling her that daddy had threatened her if she were ever to tell a living soul about his sick trysts with his daughter. Imagine if the mother hadn’t bothered to question her daughter. The father would have probably continue to rape her or worse, impregnate his own flesh and blood. Just like what happened to another teenager whose predicament was far beyond anyone’s imagination.
Now this girl was just like any other school-going teenager where having lunch with friends at the school court yard is interlaced with gossips and incessant drooling over the latest heart-throb. And when all her friends are practically running to the waiting school busses or screaming in joy towards their parents who have been patiently waiting to pick up their children from school, this teenage girl was dreading to go home. For what’s waiting for her at home is a sex predator waiting to devour the innocence out of this 15-year-old woman. And the beast is no other than her own father.
It was reported that the girl had been suffering in silence since she was 12-years-old. Her father, who is a 45-year-old lorry driver had probably started out by molesting his daughter before going out on a full fledged raping. And when his appetite grew stronger, he thought that it would be okay if he could share his daughter with his 52-year-old plumber friend. The father would repeatedly rape her in their house while his sick friend will do it at other locations.
Her predicament went on for another 3 years when she finally got pregnant. It didn’t say who impregnated her but she was well in her seventh month when the girl finally told her aunt about the whole saga. Imagine her aunts horror to learn that her brother or brother in-law had raped his own daughter and even shared her with his old friend. However shocked and disgusted the aunt was, it was nothing close to the trauma and pain that her niece had went through. Its sadder to gauge that the minor is now heavily pregnant planted by an unlawful, unwanted seed. Giving up school is one thing but the lifetime trauma that’s weighing on her is too much to bear. Even us adults find it difficult to comprehend such a situation, let alone for a young girl of 15.
This is not an isolated case. There are other similar cases which is even harder for us to digress. What do these sex predators see in their prey especially if the target is their own daughter? How can you ever get turned on by your own child? Even animals would go all out to protect its brood and yet we have people like these who thinks its some kind of a fetish, a kinky adventure of doing something that are against the norms.
Who’s to blame. Childhood upbringing? Porno DVDs? Drugs and alcohol? Or just plain sickos. Its no wonder that incest and child rapist get beaten up when they are locked up in jail. Even some hardcore criminals couldn’t condone such acts committed by these animals. Its about time that these sexual offenders get what they deserve as punishment: death.
There is absolutely no point of jailing them and nourish them with free taxpayers food. These are psychotic criminals and it is more than likely that they’ll do it again if they are released. I don’t give a hoot if a bunch of human rights activist screams in justice to abhor such punishment because if they do, I’ll shove them the young victims right in their faces and ask them if its right for these girls to live with the scars for their whole entire existence.
Apa nak buat.Konsep Ilmu Iman Amal udah tak dipandang lagi di zaman ini.Ramai yg fokus terhadap nafsu sahaja.Maka jadilah sitcom yg seperti nukilan anda dan yg sama waktu dgn nya.Nauzubillah...
Dear Shahimah
Pardon me for blog-browsing into yours, which is as quaint as the places you choose to sip tea.
News such as this is always provoking. We hope to find the answers in tightening the screws, in swift retribution. Yes, justice should be seen to with urgency. While not rendering any injury as reversible, in the least a wrong may be recognised as wrong, and by punishment may all see it as no other than wrong.
Yet, I doubt these trappings explain anything for as long as man does not confess to his failure as stewards of society first.
The world's patriarchial manifestations has led not to men taking on the yoke of responsibility, but to shirking it.
For man to so turn his back on what he himself has fleshed, is but a trace of such denial of responsibility proclaimed by the erroneously perceived supremacy of his gender.
It is but for man to recognise and draw the line in his relationships, that no woman is his for the taking, not even his wife.
What turns the predator on is the availabity of prey. Opportunity is made present, and escapability made possible.
For myself, I see not anything enamouring about a victim. There is no turn-on.
Let not religious laxity, inebriation or media indulgences be blamed for what a man would not reign in by denying himself, for those without religion, who imbibe and who are surrounded by nubiles still walk virtuous upon the earth.
The patriarchial mantle of today needs to be discarded with immediacy. A new one should be pressed into serve. One which seeks consent, not seizure by force. One which displays lordship by hospitality, leadership by service.
Man may be guilty here. Thereby too must man set matters aright.
6:33 PM
ntah dah berapa byk comment kritik yang u delete, perempuan murahan..bengong..dan bodoh la u...haha
I beg to differ with Anon.
This is your blog Shahimah.
And I love reading what you write.
I wish there was more.
The fact that he hides behind anon goes to show that he is a sad coward.
Anon or otherwise, Shahimah, I cannot imagine what bone he has to pick with you.
You have spoken well.
The idea is for us to see your ideas as ours and treat all women with dignity.
Dear Shahimah
I like reading your view on this matter. In my opinion, in Malaysia, we are lacking the spirit to educate ourselves the parenting skills for our benefit. We like to follow our parents' way of parenting (which might be good for us or might be not) without any modification of their parenting skills or knowledge... Hhmm... What's your opinion on this matter??
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